How can I enroll my child?
We suggest that everyone who is interested in Presby Child Care Center visit the center before enrolling a child. Tours can be arranged year-round by calling 410-747-4581. Enrollment for summer camp and fall classes takes place on preselected dates each January and February (check our Facebook and website in November/December for exact dates).
Current families: Re-enroll over a week in January. For after care, priority is given to kindergarteners.
New Families, Church Members, and Returning Campers: Enroll on a day in February. Priority is given to church members and returning campers. Then new families are enrolled first-come, first-served.
Enrollment is initiated by completion of our online registration form, signed Financial Agreement and payment of a deposit and registration fee. Enrollment is not completed until placement in a class is confirmed via email.
**Enrollment is ongoing throughout the year until rooms are filled and then a waitlist is started.
See the Enrollment page for more details.
What paperwork do I need?
Before a child can start: Registration Form/Financial Agreement, Emergency Card, Health Inventory, Walking Permission, Sunscreen Permission, Signed Parent’s Guide to Regulated Child Care, signed last page of Presby Child Care Center Parent Handbook.
Updated Annually: Health Inventory and Emergency Card (by initial), Walking Permission, Sunscreen Permission
You can download the forms listed above here.
How can I apply for the Presby Child Care Center Scholarship Program or the Maryland Child Care Subsidy?
If you are interested in applying for the Presby Child Care Center scholarship program, please contact the office at (410) 747-4581 or email Ashley at agraham@presbychildcare.org.
The Child Care Scholarship (CCS) (formerly known as Child Care Subsidy) program helps eligible families in Maryland pay for high-quality childcare and early education programs. To apply for a Child Care Scholarship, you must submit an application through the Child Care Scholarship Family Portal: https://family.childcareportals.org/s/?language=en_US
**Presby Child Care Center also participates in the Military Assistance program: https://www.childcareaware.org/fee-assistancerespite/
How old does my child have to be to attend your center?
Unfortunately, we are not licensed to provide care for children younger than 2. We follow the BCPS birthday cut-off of September 1st. That means children must be 2 years old by September 1st of the school year in order to begin. Summer camp accepts students 2 years old (by September 1st of the school year) through those that are finishing second grade. During the school year, the before- and after-school program accepts kindergarten through third grade students as space allows.
What curriculum do you use?
Preschool classes follow the new MSDE Children Discovering Their World curriculum based on the principles of project-based inquiry and driven by evidence-based practices.
What’s the potty-training policy?
We understand that each child is unique and uses the potty when they are ready. Teachers will work with families to meet children where they are and to reinforce what caregivers are doing at home. If you are in the process of training your child, please let your child’s teachers know so we can help make potty training a stress-free positive experience.
Does the center provide any meals?
Yes, we provide healthy morning and afternoon snacks. Children must bring their lunch.
What hours are you open?
Presby Child Care Center is open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. There is no provision for early arrivals. Parents who pick up a child late are charged a fee that increases significantly with the degree of lateness and the number of occurrences.
How does the center communicate with families?
Presby Child Care Center utilizes Procare, website, Facebook and emails to communicate with families. There is also a weekly newsletter emailed to inform families of instructional focus, Center happenings and community events.
Which schools do we provide before and aftercare services?
Currently we only provide before and after care for Hillcrest Elementary School up to 2nd grade.