Community Resources:
As a family, you sometimes need help navigating resources that might be available to you. Below you will find the community resources that support children and families in Baltimore County. If you need further assistance, you can also reach out to the Center Director at Presby Child Care Center for ideas and suggestions.
Baltimore County DHS/Child Protective Services Office: 410-887-TIME (8463) (8am-4:30pm M-F) 410-583-9398 (after-hours number) 410-853-3698 (Fax) (Email)
Catonsville Branch of the Baltimore County Public Library: 1100 Frederick Rd, Catonsville, MD 21228 (410) 887-0951
Child Find: a special education service provided by the Baltimore County Public School System for identifying children from ages three through twenty-one who are suspected of having an educational disability and who may be eligible for special education and related services. Child Find referrals are made by calling 443-809-3017.
Family Crisis Center: provides 24/7 emergency safe shelter, transitional housing, a family psychotherapy clinic, victim advocacy services, free legal services, new behavior groups, and a crisis hotline. Office 410-285-4357 Shelter 410-285-7496 Hotline 410-828-6390
LOCATE: Child Care: families can access free, one-on-one telephone counseling support for to search for licensed child care in Maryland 1-877-261-0060.
Project ACT (Abilities Network): Dedicated to working with childcare providers and families to ensure that all children have access to a high-quality early learning experience and quality out of school time programming. 8503 LaSalle Rd, Towson, MD 21286 Phone: 410-828-7700 ext. 1210